I develop Shiny Apps like the ones below.

I'm Garrick Aden-Buie, a data scientist, R developer, Shiny App architect, musician and life-long learner. I can build things for you, too!

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Shiny Apps

Tweet Conference Dashboard

Runner Up in the 2019 RStudio Shiny App Contest!

A hyper-focused Twitter dashboard for conferences and events. Designed to provide a clean and accessible interface to explore and monitor tweets sent during a conference, event, or gathering (IRL or online).

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MCTestAnalysis provides a Shiny web app interface and an automatic report-generation tool featuring concepts from Classical Test Theory (CTT), Item Response Theory (IRT) and structural analysis.

Course instructors can use this app to upload the results of multiple choice tests and analyze and explore the performance of their tests. Through the app they can assess the difficulty of each question, determine how well the test measures performance and identify problematic or confusing question options. And more!

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countdown is a small R package that makes it easy to drop a countdown timer into xaringan slides or RMarkdown-based HTML documents. It also ships with a companion Shiny app, for running an interactive, full-screen timer, perfect for keeping track of presentation times or for guiding in-class activities.

  Open App Project Page   View Source

Trump Tweet Time

Trump Tweet Time is an 8-bit "Executive Time" and sadly ridiculous game to try to guess what was on Trump's calendar when he was tweeting. Built using the nessy package by Colin Fay, with tweets collected with Mike Kearney's rtweet, and the president's schedule as reported by Axios.

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RStudio Addins


regexplain is an RStudio addin slash utility belt for regular expressions. Interactively build your regexp, check the output of common string matching functions, consult the interactive help pages, or use the included resources to learn regular expressions. And more.

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ermoji is a fun, silly, whimsical and entirely indispensable RStudio addin for searching, finding, and copying emojis inside RStudio.

Why? Because 🤓. But also because I wanted an easy way to find the Unicode strings for emoji.

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Explore Tweets from Conferences

Shiny apps for following tweets around IRL conferences


The largest #rstats conference of the year! UseR!2018 was held in Brisbane, Australia in 2018, which is unfortunately very far from home and not at all in my timezone.

This app is a remix of the original rstudio::conf() tweets app, with an added tab including the conference schedule and some new filtering features.

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RStudio's Annual rstudio::conf() happened, but I wasn't there. So I made a tweet explorer in Shiny to follow along at home.

You can still use the app to explore #rstudioconf-related tweets, or you can go watch the talks online.

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rstatsnyc 2018

When the New York R Conference kicked off, I realized I could easily repurpose the rstudio::conf() tweet explorer. The conference is over, but you can still browse the twitter record with the app.

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